Lecture on the Rissho Ankoku Ron (Part 3)
In the third stage of the Rissho ankoku ron, the visitor responded to the master’s answer that the ̶…
In the third stage of the Rissho ankoku ron, the visitor responded to the master’s answer that the ̶…
Explanation of the Summary of the Second Stage The second stage of the treatise, “On Securing the Peace …
Introduction The treatise, “On Securing the Peace of the Land through the Propagation of True Buddhism&#…
The Fifth Level of the Fivefold Comparison The Transfer of the Law from Shakyamuni to Bodhisattva Jogyo After…
The Third Level of the Fivefold Comparisor Mahayana Buddhism can be divided into provisional and true Mahayana…
The Second Level of the Fivefold Comparison Within the Buddhism of Nichiren 1 Daishonin, the Five-Fold Compari…
The first Level of the Fivefold Comparison Nichiren Daishonin taught the principle of the Fivefold Comparison …
Toki Jonin’s lay name was Goro Saemon- no-jo Tanetsugu, and he resided in Wakamiya in Shimosa Province […
The Ordination Platform- (Kaidan) The first Buddhist ordination platform (kaidan) was constructed in India at …