On the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism / 本門の戒壇について

The Ordination Platform- (Kaidan)

The first Buddhist ordination platform (kaidan) was constructed in India at the Jetavana Monastery when Shakyamuni, at the request of a Buddhist disciple, established it in order to confer upon his disciples the precept of stemming injustice and stopping evil. Thus, the kaidan was an ordination platform where priests pledged to uphold the precepts.

The first ordination platform in Japan was built in 745 at the order of Emperor Shomu.The Chinese priest Ganjin went to Japan and supervised the construction of the platform at Todai-ji Temple in Nara. Later, in 761, two more ordination platforms were built at Yakushi-ji Temple in Shimotsuke Province and Kanzeon-ji Temple in Tsukushi Province. These three sites were known as the three ordination platforms in Japan.Here the priests and nobility were customarily ordained.All three functioned as ordination platforms for the Hinayana precepts.

In 827, a Mahayana ordination platform was established in Japan.The Great Teacher Dengyo, founder of the Japanese Tendai School, had petitioned the government for permission to erect a Mahayana ordination platform on Mt.Hiei.Seven days after his passing imperial permission was granted .Five years later, during the tenure of Dengyo’s disciple Gishin, the Mahayana ordination platform temple was completed.This ordination platform was the sanctuary of the theoretical teaching of the Lotus Sutra.

The High Sanctuary of True Buddhism is the Sanctuary of the Honmon (Essential) Teaching.It is the site of enshrinement of the Gohonzon of the Essential Teaching of Nichiren Daishonin, the True Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law.

The Daishonin assumed the temporary identity of the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Jogyo, as predicted in the Lotus Sutra, and propagated His teachings as its votary.His true identity is the Original Buddha of limitless joy of the infinite past of Kuon ganjo, which itself signifies the Latter Day of the Law. The True Teaching of the Daishonin is Nam- Myoho-Renge-Kyo of the Honmon (Essential) Teaching, the doctrine hidden in the depths of the Buddhism of Sowing of the infinite past of kuon-ganjo.The principles of “attaining enlightenment in one’s present form, “the precepts of” stemming injustice and stopping evil “and” embracing the Gohonzon is in itself embracing the precepts “manifest in the place where people embrace and practice to the Gohonzon. High Sanctuary of True Buddhism is not merely an ordination platform, as it was in the theoretical teaching.In Nichiren Shoshu, the High Sanctuary is the place where the Gohonzon of the Honmon Teaching is enshrined.

There are two aspects to the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism: the Actual High Sanctuary (Ji no kaidan) and the tentative High Sanctuary (Gi no kaidan) .The Actual High Sanctuary is the place of enshrinement of the Dai-Gohonzon, which was inscribed. on the 12th day of the 10th month of 1279. The fentative High Sanctuary represents the place of enshrinement of the Gohonzons inscribed by the Daishonin, other than the Dai- Gohonzon, and those transcribed by Nikko Shonin and all the successive High Priests.The Gohonzons enshrined in Nichiren Shoshu local temples and believers’ homes possess an essential bond with the Dai- Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary.Thus, by practicing assiduously to these Gohonzons, we can form a bond with the Actual High Sanctuary.The foundation of our faith consists of the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary and our High Priest, who has received the Lifeblood Heritage of the Law. Thus, the site of our assiduous practice, where we enshrine the Gohonzon, represents the tentative High Sanctuary. On the other hand, if a Gohonzon is embraced by someone who opposes the Lifeblood Heritage of Nichiren Shoshu, a member of an erroneous sect that disputes the Heritage of the Law, or by a person who upholds the heretical doctrines of the Soka Gakkai, then such a Gohon zon, even a Joju- Gohonzon transcribed by one of the successive High Priests, does not possess the benefits of the tentative High Sanctuary.


“On the Three Great Secret Laws” (Sandai hiho sho)

The Gosho, “On the Three Great Secret Laws” (Sandai hiho sho), is an extremely important writing in which the significance of the High Sanctuary was revealed for the first time.In this Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin wrote:

When the principles of government come to accord with Buddhism and the spirit of Buddhism pervades secular affairs, when both the ruler and the governed alike embrace the Three Secret Laws of True Buddhism and the bond of old between King Utoku and the monk Kakutoku shall become evident at some future time in the defiled Latter Day of the Law, then, when imperial decree is delivered and handed down, seek out a place of the finest scenery comparable to the pure land of Eagle Peak and there erect the High Sanctuary. Simply wait for the proper time to come.This is
the Actual High Sanctuary of True Buddhism.Not only will the people of the T three countries and the entire world come here to make amends and eradicate their past misdeeds, but Bonten, Taishaku and the other gods will also be present. (Gosho, p . 1595)

Let us discuss some of the points in this Gosho where the Daishonin presented His final directions concerning the Actual High Sanctuary of True Buddhism that will be established when Kosen-rufu is achieved.

The Time of the Establishment of the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism

From the perspective of the Law, the time for the establishment of the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism is when the laws of society become one with the Law of Buddhism, a time when Buddhism and society are in perfect accord.

From the perspective of the Person, it is the time when the priests and lay believers, in perfect unity, propagate True Buddhism and when the achievement of actual Kosen-rufu becomes a tangible prospect.

The Actual Procedures. For the Establishment of the High Sanctuary

In the “Document for Entrusting the Law which Nichiren Propagated throughout His Life” (Nichiren ichigo guho fuzoku sho), the Daishonin wrote:

When the sovereign of the land upholds this Law…

The Daishonin instructed that the sovereign of the time must issue a decree endorsing the establishment of the High Sanctuary.At the present time, sovereignty rests democratically with the people.Therefore, the interpretation of the phrase “sovereign of the land” must be based uodn the directions of our High Priest, who has received the transmission of the Lifeblood Heritage of the Law.

The Place for the Establishment of the High Sanctuary

In India, where Buddhism originated, Eagle Peak was considered to be a pure and sacred place.In Japan, Mt.Fuji is situated at the center of the nation and has long been considered to be the most superior site in height, beauty and form.In his “Document for Entrusting the Law which Nichiren Propagated throughout His Life,” the Daishonin wrote: You must establish the High Sanctuary of Honmon-ji Temple at Mt.Fuji. (Gosho, p. 1675)

Nikko Shonin, the founder of the Head Temple, followed the directions of the Daishonin and etablished Taisekia Temple at Mt.Fuji.

In the Gosho, “Persecution by Sword and Staff” (liene-dema gahrnji), the Daishonin stated:

In all three countries of India, China and Japan, the place of Buddhist practice is located to the northeant, in the direction of the demon gate. Those are secret teachings of Buddhism, which are reverently transferred from master to disciple. (Sinmpen,P.1361;MW-2 P.305-6)

This indicaton that Peak in India, M Tien t’ai in China and Mt.all located in the direction of the demon gate, ae vedej w in the northeast direction of the es and the tiger of the zodiac.In fact, Mt.Fuji solemnly soars in the direction of the demon gate at Taisekiji. Moreover, from olden times, Mt.Fuji has been known as the “Great Lotus Mountain of Nichiren” (Dai-Nichiren-ge zan). Thus, Head Temple Taisekiji at the foot of Mt. Great Secret Laws.

The Significance of the Establishment of the High Sanctuary

The Daishonin wrote, “Simply wait for the proper time to come.” Here He indicates that the High Sanctuary will definitely be established.Additional, He gives us the directive to establish this High Sanctuary. The Daishonin further states, “The people of … the entire world will come here to make amends and eradicate their past misdeeds,” Thus, all the people in the world will be able to expiate their negative karma and attain enlightenment. in their present form.

In the Gosho, The Person and the Law “(Nimjo-do gohm), the Daishonin wrote Those who visit this place can instantly expiate the sins they have committed since the infinite past and transform their illussons into wisdom, their errors into truth and thar sufferings into freedom (Goshe, p. 1569, MW-1, p. 264)

As a summary, I will present three points taught by High Priest Nikken Shonin concerning the phrase, “Erect the High Santuary” This phrase appears in the Gnho, “On the Three Great Secret Laws” and in the “Document for Entrusting the Law which Nichiren Propagated throughout His Life

The High Priest states:

First, the Daishonin presented this directive as a goal to establish widespread faith in and practice to the Object of Worship of the High Sanctuary of True Buddhism.This is an objective for the propagation and permeation of Buddhism, characterized by the establishment of the High Sanctuary based on the transmission of the Buddha’s will.

Secondly, the Daishonin focused on enabling all mankind to attain enlightenment.through upholding faith and practicing to this Gohonzon, they will experience benefits and good fortune by transforming the three paths of earthly desires, karma and suffering from the infinite past into the three virtues of the property of the Law, wisdom and freedom.

Thirdly, the Daishonin gave the instructions to erect the High Sanctuary in order to create a fundamental hall where al people from throughout the world, who essentially uphold faith in the Dai-Gohonzon could pray for their individual enlightenment and for the peace and prosperity of all mankind.

Thus, the High Sanctuary of True to save all mankind in all fwture generations.The aceompliehment of this ssal and worldly objective signifies the manifestation of the Actual Preespt of the Law. (Nicher Shushe yegi, p. 27)

Publisher : Oversea Bureau,Nichiren Shoshu
