>>>Welcome to Nichiren Shoshu<<<
The Road to True Happiness
It is not easy for people to find solutions when they search for ways to solve and overcome suffering, sadness and difficulties. Buddhism reveals the fundamental solution to the major sufferings that everyone encounters in life, such as birth, aging, sickness and death. Buddhism teaches that no one can obtain true happiness without resolving these sufferings.
We are able to achieve true happiness when we develop a powerful and stable state of life, gain profound wisdom, and maintain a strong mind and spirit through upholding true faith and practice, based on the teaching of cause and effect.
True happiness is the achievement of tranquility in our life that is unshakable.
The Practice of Faith in Nichiren Shoshu
Nichiren Daishonin expounded three significant points in carrying out the teaching of true Buddhism:
faith, practice, and study.
1. Faith signifies absolute faith in the Gohonzon.
2. Practice is the actual practice to uphold one’s faith.
3. Study means to correctly study the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.
There are two aspects to the practice of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, which are practice for oneself, such as chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, and practice for the sake of others, which is to tell others of the great power of this Buddhism.
Through carrying out the actual practice, based on faith, practice, and study with the true Gohonzon, not only will the personal happiness of the believer be manifested, but also the purification of the society can be achieved.
Currently, there are lay believers practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism in Japan and 50 other countries around the world. Nichiren Daishonin teaches that we will be able to realize the true world peace when many people around the world take faith in and practice Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
In each country, the lay believers of Nichiren Shoshu have learned the correct view of life, based on this faith and practice. They are enjoying their daily lives filled with hope and happiness.